السبت، 7 مايو 2011

Auto Hide IP Free Crack by "Lz0"


We´re continuing with the "Auto Hide IP" software.

Your home computer is assigned an IP address by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) when it connects to the Internet. An IP address is an Internet Protocol address, a unique identifying number. It is used to identify all the different computers and websites on the Internet, and it could be used to track your communications with all websites or any program that connect to the Internet. This is known to us as Direct Internet Connection.
When you run Auto Hide IP on your computer, it will modify your Internet Connection Settings and use an anonymous Proxy Server which acts as an intermediary between a home network and the rest of the Internet and makes requests for Internet information on your behalf, using its own IP address instead of yours.

Auto Hide IP is compatible with many web browsers such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE browsers.

Today we offer you the "Auto Hide IP" cracked software on unlimited time by: "Lz0".

If you are buying this software over the Internet,you will need to paid about 40$,but today you have a great oportunity to Download it for FREE !

Wondering how it looks? Here is a screenshot of it:

1. Extract "lzblvpw 1 - 4" .rar files one by one. *(Don`t extract all at ones,because u will get an error   report).
2.After extracting u will get the "AutoHideIP-" application and the "Lz0" folder which consist the Crack !
3.Run through the install (Setup).After installation DO NOT run it (Uncheck to autorun box) !
4.Open the "Lz0" folder and run "patch.exe".
5.Click the "Patch" button and navigate it to your "Auto Hide IP.exe" and clik "Open" !
6.You`r Done, Enjoy !
7.Don’t forget to tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter ! :)
*If u have any problems,or you don´t know how to install this software,you can check this VIDEO !(Rifgt Click ->Open In New Tab)

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